Medieval India PYQs

Delhi Sultanate
1. Sources:
Q. Write a short note on: “Main sources of information for the history of the 13th century.” [1987, 20m]
Arabic Histories:
Q. Provide a comparative analysis of the development of Arabic and Persian historiography. [2010, 20m]
Persian Chronicles:
Q. Write a short essay on: “Ziauddin Barani as a historian.” [1994, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Amir Khusrau was an eminent poet not a historian.” [2000, 20m]
Q. Give a critical assessment of the contributions of Amir Khusarau and Barani to Indo – Persian Literature. [2009, 30m]
Q. Evaluate the contents of the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri as a source of medieval history. [2016, 10 Marks]
Sufi Literature:
Q. Evaluate the Malfuzat texts sources of medieval history. [2013, 10m]
Q. Discuss the importance of Sufic literature as an important source of history. [2023, 10 Marks]
Ibn Battuta:
Q. What is your assessment of Ibn Batutah’s Rehla as an important source of Indian history. [2011, 20m]
2. Turkish Conquest:
Q. Bring out the salient features of the polity & social structure of the Rajputs. To what extent were they responsible for the weakness of the Rajputs to the foreign invaders? [1988, 60m] (second half)
Q. “The inferior cavalry of the Rajputs was not the only cause of their defeat at the hands of Turko-Afghans and Mughal.” Comment. [2001, 60m]
Q. “The battles of Tarain and Chandawar laid the foundations of Turkish rule in India”. Elaborate. [2018, 10m]
Q. Internal strife and conflict beset with personal ambitions was enough of an invitation for the Ghurids to invade India. Discuss. [2019, 15 Marks]
Q. Assess the causes of the defeat of Northern Indian States against the Turkish invasion. [2020, 20m]
3. Politico – Administrative History of Delhi Sultanate:
Q. Write a short essay on: “The ‘Corps of Forty’ and its relations with the Sultans.” [2004, 20m]
Q. Assess the contribution of Iltutmish for the expansion and consolidation of the Delhi Sultanate. [2011, 20m]
Q. Do you consider Sultan Iltutmish to be the real founder of the Delhi Sultanate? Discuss. [2021, 10m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “The ‘Corps of Forty’ and its relations with the Sultans.” [2004, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “The ‘Corps of Forty’ and its relations with the Sultan.” [2008, 20m]
Q. Analyse the social composition and the role of nobility under the successors of Iltutmish. How did it affect contemporary politics? [2012, 30m]
Q. Much of the political instability after the death of Iltutmish was the doing of the Chahalgan. Elucidate. [2022, 10m]
Razia Sultana:
Q. Analyze the steps taken by Razia Sultan to strengthen her position as an independent ruler despite various obstacles. [2013, 10m]
Balban’s Policy and Theory of Kingship:
Q. What were the problems Balban faced? How far did he succeed in solving them? Was he a trendsetter in his theory of kingship? [1985, 60m]
Q. Comment on “Balban’s theory of kingship.” [1995, 20m]
Q. Give an estimate of Ghiasuddin Balban. [1996, 60m]
Q. Critically examine the ‘blood and iron’ policy of Balban. [2017, 10 Marks]
Q. Why did Balban prefer ‘consolidation’ over ‘expansion’ of the Delhi Sultanate? [2023, 15 Marks]
Mongol Invasion:
Q. How did the Mongol invasions affect the Delhi Sultanate and the north-western frontier policy of the Delhi Sultans? [2012, 30m]
Q. What measures did Balban adopt to combat the Mongol menace? [2015, 10m]
Khalji Revolution:
Q. Write a short essay on: “The Khalji Revolution” [2006, 20m]
Q. Why is the reign of the Khaljis known as the ‘Khalji Revolution’? [2021, 15 Marks]
Alauddin Khilji’s Southern Campaign:
Q. What, in your opinion, was the significance of the extensive military expeditions undertaken during the time of Alauddin Khalji? Do you think his reign is considered significant in terms of such expeditions alone? [1991, 60m]
Theory of kingship:
Q. Discuss Balban’s concept of kingship. How was it modified by Alauddin Khalji? [2002, 60m]
Administrative Reforms/Features:
Q. Bring out the essential features of the administration of Ala-ud-din Khalji. [1979, 60m]
Q. Examine the significance of Alauddin Khalji’s administrative reforms. Was he really successful in implementing these measures? [1993, 60m]
Q. Discuss the implications of Khilji imperialism with reference to administration and economic regulations on the State and people of India. [1997, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Alauddin Khilji was a typical despot” [1999, 20m]
Economic Regulation and Imperialism:
Q. Critically examine the economic regulations of Ala-ud-din Khalji. [1983, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “The significance of Alauddin Khilji economic regulations for his imperialism.” [1989, 20m]
Q. Examine critically the agrarian and economic reforms of Alauddin Khalji. How did it strengthen the Sultanate? [2011, 20m]
Q. The economic measures of Alauddin Khalji were aimed at greater political control. Discuss. [2019, 10 Marks]
Market Regulations:
Q. What were the aims of Alauddin Khalji behind his market regulations, and how far were they achieved? [1981, 60m]
Q. Critically examine the price control measures of Alauddin Khilji. What was the main objective behind them and how for was he able to put them into effecter? [1987, 60m]
Q. Assess the impact of the market reforms of Alauddin Khilji on contemporary economy and society. [2001, 60m]
Q. Analyse the ordinances mentioned by Barani which Alauddin Khalji promulgated for market control. [2014, 10m]
Q. The market regulations of Alauddin Khilji were useful for the Sultan’s military might but harmful for the economy of the Sultanate. Comment. [2022, 15m]
Agrarian Reforms:
Q. Make a comparative review of the agrarian reforms of Alau-ud-Din Khalji and Sher Shah Suri. [1995, 60m]
Q. Elaborate upon the agrarian reforms of Alauddin Khilji. [2020, 20 Marks]
Q. The motive of Alauddin Khalji’s agrarian policy was to curb the powers of the intermediaries. Examine the measures which he adopted to achieve his objective. [2023, 10 Marks]
Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq’s personality/experiments:
Q. Do you agree with the view that Muhammad Tughluq was ‘transcendent failure’? Why did he fail to achieve the ideals he had set for himself? [1984, 60m]
Q. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq’s contradictory qualities were beyond the grasp knowledge and commonsense. Evaluate the significance of his administrative measures and policies in the light of this statement. [1992, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Experiments of Muhammad Tughluq”. [2003, 20m]
Q. Do you agree that the schemes of Muhammad bin Tughluq were correctly conceived, badly executed and disastrously abandoned? Discuss. [2017, 15 Marks]
Specific Reforms by MBT:
Q. Write a short essay on: “The Token Currency System introduced by Muhammad Tughluq.” [2004, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Muhammad Tughluq as an agrarian innovator.” [2009, 20m]
Firuz Tughluq:
Q. Why was Firuz Tughluq regarded as an ideal Muslim king of medieval times? [1983, 20m]
Q. Examine the responsibility of Firuz Tughluq for the fall of his dynasty. [1985, 20m]
Q. “Firuz Tughluq has been overshadowed by Muhammad Tughluq.” In the light of this statement evaluate the significance of the policies and actions of Firuz Tughluq. [1990, 60m]
Q. Form an estimate of the personality of Firoz Shah Tughlaq with special reference to his religious policy and public works. [2000, 60m]
Nobility during Tughlaqs:
Q. “The policy of creating heterogeneous nobility by Muhammad Tughlaq started the process of disintegration of Delhi Sultanate”. Explain. [2018, 20 Marks]
Q. Critically evaluate the Muslim Nobility during the period of Tughlaq dynasty. [2020, 10m]
Q. How was the Afghan nobility responsible for the decline of the Afghan Empire? Discuss. [2012, 30m]
Q. Give your assessment of Bahlol Lodi’s relation with his nobility. [2021, 15 Marks]
Decline of Delhi Sultanate:
Q. What factors do you attribute for the decline of the Delhi Sultanate? [2023, 10 Marks]
4. Kingship, Polity and Administration:
Theories of Kingship:
Q. Critically examine the views of Balban, Ala-ud-din Khalji and the Tughluq on the nature of Kingship under the Delhi Sultanate. [1982, 60m]
Q. Evaluating the theory of kingship of the Sultanate, discuss the deviations seen in the reigns of different Sultans. [2014, 20m]
Q. Was the state in the Sultanate period a theocracy? Discuss the new orientation of state policies and administrative principles under Muhammad bin Tughluq. [1988, 60m]
Q. To what extent was the Caliphate the source and sanction to the legal authority of the Sultans of Delhi? [2017, 15m]
Administrative Consolidation:
Q. Bring out the main features of the administration system under Delhi Sultanate during Turko-Afghan Period. [2006, 60m]
Q. What measures were initiated by the Sultans for the consolidation of the Delhi Sultanate? Discuss. [2016, 20 Marks]
Q. Discuss the importance of Iqta system. How did it help in centralization of administration of the Delhi Sultanate. [2021, 15 Marks]
Land-revenue system:
Q. Throw light on the Land Revenue System of Sultanate period. [1998, 60m]
Q. Discuss in brief the land-revenue system and judicial administration of the Delhi Sultanate. [2015, 15m]
5. Economy:
Q. Do you agree with the view that the advent of the Turks and the Mughals in India heralded many changes in the means of production? Give reasons in support of your answer. [1995, 60m]
Q. Delineate the state of agriculture during Sultanate period. [2019, 15 Marks]
Q. Evaluate the conditions of industries in India from 1200 to 1500 CE. [2013, 20m]
Q. Delineate non—agricultural production and urban economy in the 13th and 14th centuries C.E. [2017, 20m]
Q. Discuss the advancement made in Textile Technology under the Delhi Sultans. [2018, 10 Marks]
Q. Some new crafts production were introduced by the Turks. Comment. [2020, 15 Marks]
Q. Identify the main factors that sustained the expansion of urban economy in the Delhi Sultanate. [2009, 30m]
Q. How did international trade support urbanisation in North India during the 13th-14th century CE. [2020, 10m]
Q. The establishment of large number of settlements in North India in the 13th century was principally owing to the deployment of Turkish garrisons across lands. Comment. [2022, 10m]
Maritime Trade:
Q. Examine the increasing importance of maritime trade of India during thirteenth to fifteenth centuries. [2010, 30m]
6. Social Feature:
Q. Evaluate critically the conditions of labour from 1200 to 1500 CE on the basis of historical sources. [2013, 15m]
Q. Do you think that the economic measures introduced by the Sultanate rulers were beneficial to the common people as well? Illustrate with examples. [2016, 20 Marks]
Q. Discuss evidence of slavery provided by Ibn Batuta with special reference to female slaves. [2018, 10 Marks]
Q. Critically evaluate the educational development during Sultanate period. [2013, 15m]
7. Cultural Developments:
Language and Literature:
Q. Where, when and how did Urdu originate? [1985, 20m]
Q. “The period of Delhi Sultans witnessed the emergence of Indo-Persian culture.” Discuss the statement with reference to developments in the fields of language. [1986, 60m]
Q. Identify the different categories of Persian literature which emerged during the Delhi Sultanate. [2021, 10 Marks]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Indo-Islamic architecture during the Khalji and Tughluq period.” [1992, 20m]
Q. Trace the technological and stylistic development in the architecture of the Sultanate period. [2014, 15m]
Q. Describe the new architecture features added by successive Sultans in the construction of Tombs in India. [2018, 20 Marks]
Regional History (14th-16th century)
1. North India:
Q. Assess the Lekhapaddhati as an important source for evaluating the society and economy of the thirteenth century CE with special reference to Gujarat. [2013, 15m]
Q. Evaluate Jonaraja’s account of the reign of Zain-ul- Abidin. [2016, 10 Marks]
Q. Assess the rule of Zainul Abedin in Kashmir. [2019, 10 Marks]
Q. Analyze how the political processes of state formation of Mewar, from 10th-15th century CE was challenged in the 16th century CE by the imperialist policy of Akbar. [2013, 15]
Q. Make an estimate of Rana Kumbha as a patron of literature and art. [2015, 15m]
2. Vijayanagara:
Polity and Nature of State:
Hindu Resistance:
Q. Do you agree that convergence of political vacuum and impact of Islamicate culture and polity in peninsular India has much to do with the growth of Vijayanagara kingdom? [2018, 15 Marks]
Q. The prolonged conflict between the Vijayanagara Kingdom and Bahmani successor states was influenced less by cultural factors, and more by strategic and economic considerations. Comment. [2022, 20m]
Nature of State:
Q.To what extent is ‘Segmentary State’ model relevant for defining the Vijayanagar State? Critically examine. [2014, 20m]
Q. What light do inscriptions and accounts of European travelers throw on the antecedents and legacy of the administrative structure of the Vijayanagar Empire? [1994, 60m]
Q. Amuktamalyada dwells much upon the relationship of fort, Brahmanas and dispersed tribal groups. Comment. [2020, 15 Marks]
Q. Give an account of the polity and society of Vijayanagara empire under Krishnadevaraya. [1979, 60m]
Q. Discuss the origin of the Vijayanagara Kingdom. Do you agree with the view that Krishnadevaraya was an ideal ruler of this dynasty? [1980, 60m]
Q. Do you think that the reign of Krishnadevaraya inaugurated a new epoch in the history of Vijayanagar? [1983, 20m]
Q. Mention the salient features of the polity of Vijayanagara Empire under Krishnadevaraya. [2015, 10m]
Foreign Accounts:
Q. Evaluate the accounts of foreign travellers about the Vijayanagar Empire. [2017, 10 Marks]
Q. Describe in details about the foreign travellers’ accounts which gave information of Vijayanagar kingdom. [2020, 10 Marks]
Q. On the basis of contemporary sources evaluate the system of agriculture and irrigation of the Vijayanagar kingdom. [2013, 15m]
Q. Discuss the social dynamics in the Vijayanagara Empire. [2010, 20m]
Q. Discuss the development of art and culture under the Vijayanagar Empire. [1987, 60m]
Q. “Art, literature and culture reached a high level of development in the Vijayanagar Empire.” Discuss. [1989, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Architecture of the Vijayanagara Empire.” [2000, 20m]
Q. Discuss how Vijayanagar empire became the cultural capital of the south? [2019, 10 Marks]
3. Bahmani Kingdom:
Q. Write a short essay on: “The Bahmani kingdom” [2005, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “The Bahmani Kingdom” [2007, 20m]
Q. Discuss the state of society and economy of the Bahmani kingdom as gleaned from historical sources. [2013, 10m]
Q. Assess the contribution of Firoz Shah Bahamani and Mahmud Gawan in the field of education. [2016, 15 Marks]
4. Portuguese Colonial enterprise:
Q. Write a short essay on: “Portuguese control of the Indian Ocean and its impact.” [1992, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Significance of the arrival of the Portuguese in India.” [2008, 20m]
Q. How was cartaz system used by the Portuguese to maintain their control over the oceanic trade? [2014, 10m]
Cultural Developments
Q. Discuss briefly the causes that contributed to the religious movements of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Analyze their approach to the realities of contemporary life. [1985, 60m]
Influence of Islam:
Q. Give an account of the impact of Islam on Indian culture in respect of society, religion and fine arts. [1980, 60m]
Q. Trace influence of Islam on Indian culture and civilization. [1999, 60m]
Bhakti Movement:
Q. Discuss and evaluate critically various trends in the historiography of Bhakti. [2013, 15m]
Sagun Bhakti:
Q. Write a short essay on: “Chaitanyadeva and Vaishnavism” [2005, 20m]
Nirgun Bhakti: Kabir, Nanak
Q. What was the most significant contribution of Kabir and Guru Nanakdev to Bhakti movement? [1983, 20m]
Q. What impact did Kabir and Nanak leave on Indian Society and Culture? [2003, 60m]
Q. Discuss the growth of the Nirguna School of Bhakti Movement emphasising the contribution of Kabir and Nanak to it. [2004, 60m]
Q. The mission of Kabir was to preach a religion of love which would unite all castes and creeds. Explain. [2020, 20 Marks]
Q. Bhakti and mysticism of Lal Ded emerged as a social force in Kashmir. Comment. [2013, 10m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Sufi Movements” [2003, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Sufism in North India” [2006, 20m]
Bhakti-Sufi Syncretism and Impact/Significance:
Q. Write a short essay on: “Significance of the Bhakti Movement.” [1987, 20m]
Q. “The tenets of Hindu and Muslim mystics were similar enough that the ground was ripe for syncretic movements involving adherents of both religious.” Elucidate. [2005, 2007 60m]
Q. “Bhakti and Sufi movements served the same social purpose.” Discuss. [2017, 15 Marks]
Q. Write a short essay on: “The Sufi Movement and its role in promoting communal harmony.” [2000, 20m]
Q. “Sufis and medieval mystic saints failed to modify either the religious ideas and practices or the outward structure of Islamic/Hindu societies to any appreciable extent.” Comment for/against. [2015, 10m]
Q. Sufi and Bhakti thoughts ennobled Indian psyche amidst the vagaries of time. Elucidate. [2019, 15]
Q. Analyze the tenets, spread and impact of the Bhakti Movement. [2023, 20 Marks]
Language and Literature:
Q. Comment on: “Growth of regional languages and literature during the medieval period.” [1995, 20m]
Q. Evaluate the impact of the Sufi and Bhakti Movements on vernacular languages and life and thought of the common people. [2001, 60m]
Q. Evaluate the contribution of Vaishnava saints to the growth of medieval Bhakti literature. [2014, 10m]
Q. Why should the sixteenth century be regarded as the period of Indian Renaissance? [2015, 15m]
Q. What was the role of Sufi Folk literature in the diffusion of Islam in India in general and Deccan in particular. [2018, 15 Marks]
Q. The Vaishnava Bhakti tradition of the 15th century contributed to the flourishing of provincial literature. Discuss with appropriate examples. [2022, 20m]
Mughal Empire
1. Source:
Q. Write a short essay on: “Mughal official histories and auto-biographical works.” [1992, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Babarnama as a source of history.” [2002, 20m]
Q. How does Tuzuk-i-Babri testify that Babar had been a cultured man? [2015, 10m]
2. Politico-Administrative History:
Mughal Empire, First phase: Babur and Humayun
Q. Write a short essay on: “The empire-builder in North India of the sixteenth century.” [1989, 20m]
Q. Examine the causes of Babur’s success against the Ibrahim Lodi in the First Battle of Panipat. [2021, 10 Marks]
The Sur Empire: Sher Shah’s administration
Q. Examine the major contributions of the Sur rulers to the administrative system. [1981, 20m]
Q. Bring out the significance of the reign of Sher Shah in the history of India. [1986, 60m]
Q. Make a comparative review of the agrarian reforms of Alauud-Din Khalji and Sher Shah Suri. [1995m 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Sher Shah combined in himself qualities of lion and fox.” [1999, 20m]
Q. Evaluate the contribution of Sher Shah towards trade and commerce, administration and agricultural reforms. [2020, 15 Marks]
3. Conquests and consolidation of the Empire:
Rajput policy
Q. Write a short essay on: “Rana Pratap’s patriotism was his only offence.” [1999, 20m]
Q. “Akbar built the Mughal Empire by enlisting the support Rajputs.” Do you agree? [2003, 60m]
Q. Akbar built the Mughal Empire by enlisting the support of the Rajputs; Aurangzeb destroyed it by alienating the Rajputs.” Discuss critically. [2007, 60m]
Q. Describe the Rajput policy of the Mughal emperors. Do you agree with the view that the reversal of Akbar’s Rajput policy by Aurangzeb was responsible for the disintegration of the Mughal Empire? [2000, 60m]
Q. Do you think that Akbar’s Rajput policy was a conscious attempt to incorporate the Indian ruling elite with the Mughal Imperial System? [2017, 15 Marks]
Q. Discuss with relevant illustrations the relations between Akbar and the Rajput states. [2021, 15 Marks]
Religious policy
Q. What motivated Akbar to enunciate Din-i-Ilahi? How far did he succeed in spreading it? [1983, 20m]
Q. Highlight the catholicity of Akbar’s regime with suitable examples. [1997, 60m]
Q. Trace the evolution of the religious views of Akbar. Write a note on his policy of Sulh-i kul. [2002, 60m]
Q. Was Din-i-Ilahi ‘a monument of Akbar’s folly’? [2004, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Religious tolerance of Akbar.” [2006, 20m]
Q. “In medieval Indian history Akbar was unique for his religio-political ideas and policies.” Analyse this statement. [2015, 15m]
Q. Write a short Essay on: “Implications of Akbar’s notion of Sulh-i-kul.” [2009, 20m]
Q. “Akbar wished to assert his strong belief in God, but his concept of the way God is to be worshipped was independent of either orthodox Islam or Hindustan.” Comment. [2018, 10 Marks]
Q. Analyze the religious policy of the Mughal emperors from Akbar to Aurangzeb. How did it affect the stability of the Mughal Empire? [1985, 60m]
Q. “In medieval Indian history Akbar is unique for his religio-political ideas and policies.” Discuss the statement and compare Akbar with Sher Shah in regard to their administrative policies and revenue administration. [1990, 60m]
Establishment of Jagir and Mansab systems
Q. Bring out the main features of the Mansab and Jagir systems with special reference to the reign of Akbar. [1987, 60m]
Q. Analyse the merits and demerits of the Mansabdari System. How did it work under Akbar’s successors? [1993, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Mansabdari System” [2002, 20m]
Q. Examine the Mansab and Jagir system by Akbar and its subsequent failure in the 18th century. [2011, 30m]
Q. How was lqta system of the Sultans different from the Jagir system under the Mughals? [2014, 15m]
Q. Critically analyse whether the success of the Mughals is to be credited to their robust Jagirdari and Mansabdari system. [2019, 15 Marks]
Q. Examine the nature of the mansabdari system during the reign of Akbar. [2022, 15m]
Land Revenue System
Q. Discuss the patterns of land revenue system developed in Medieval India and examine their significant features. [1980, 60m]
Q. Review briefly the methods of land-revenue assessment adopted by the Mughals. [1983, 60m]
Q. Analyses the distinguishing features of the land revenue system under the Mughals and point out its influence on the strength of the Mughal State. [1989, 60m]
4. Other Dimensions:
Nature of Mughal State
Q. What were the major features of the administrative system of the Mughal State? To what extent did other Indian powers model their administration on this system in the late medieval period? [1991, 60m]
Q. Comment on the Turko-Mongol theory of sovereignty. To what extent was it adopted by Babur and Humayun? [2010, 30m]
Q. Discuss the nature of the Mughal State under Akbar. [2023, 15 Marks]
Mughal Nobility:
Q. Changes in the composition of nobility from Akbar to Aurangzeb. Comment. [1995, 20m]
Foreign Policy:
Q. Identify the broad contours of the Mughal foreign policy and their impacts on the Mughal empire. [2016, 15 Marks]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Nurjahan” [1998, 20m]
Q. Discuss the role of Nur Jahan in the Mughal court politics during the reign of Jahangir. [2023, 20 marks]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Hemu vikramaditya” [2001, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Dara Shikoh” [2006, 20m]
5. Mughal Era Economy:
Agriculture and Craft Production:
Q. Delineate the striking features of agricultural and craft production during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in India. How did they impact the social fabric of the country? [2008, 60m]
Q. “An important feature of agriculture in Mughal India has been the large number of crops raised by the peasants”. Illustrate by giving examples. [2018, 15 marks]
Q. Discuss the different types of Karkhanas in Mughal India. How was the production organized in the different Karkhanas? [2010, 30m]
Q. “India had been for hundreds of years the Lancashire of the Eastern world.” Critically examine this view. [2014, 15m]
Trade and Commerce:
Indian mercantile classes, banking, insurance and credit systems:
Q. Analyse the Mughal monetary system and examine their policy of minting of coins. [2014, 20m]
Q. The emergence of early capitalism in the Mughal period was primarily due to urbanisation and commercialisation. Comment. [2019, 20 Marks]
Q. Trade and commerce in the Mughal Empire brought about the integration of the Indian subcontinent into a single market. Comment. [2022, 15 Marks]
European Trade:
Q. Examine the factors which were responsible for opening and development of European trade in India during the 16th and 17th centuries. [1981, 60m]
Q. Which were the major European Powers engaged in trade with India in the medieval period? How did they organise their trade and what were the chief items of trade? [1984, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “The Mughals and the European trading companies.” [1989, 20m]
Q. Give a sketch of Indian trade with Europe during the Mughal period. [2013, 10m]
Q. Trade and commerce in the Mughal Empire brought about the integration of the Indian subcontinent into a single market. Comment. [2022, 15m]
Q. Give your opinion on the urban development in India during the Mughal times. [2005, 60m]
Q. Critically evaluate various approaches to study medieval Indian towns. [2010, 20m]
Q. Medieval Indian towns were merely as extension of villages. Comment. [2012, 10m]
Estimate of Population:
Q. Write a short essay on: “Estimates of population of Mughal India.” [2009, 20m]
Science and technology:
Q. Do you agree with the view that the advent of the Turks and the Mughals in India heralded many changes in the means of production? Give reasons in support of your answer. [1995, 60m]
Q. Give an estimate of Akbar as a promoter of technology. [2009, 30m]
Q. What was the Indian response to European Technology? [2010, 30m]
Q. Assess the development of Science and Technology in the Mughal period. [2013, 20m]
6. Mughal Era Society:
Zamindari system:
Q. Discuss the working of Zamindari System under the Mughal rulers. Also describe the role played by the Zamindars in the agrarian economy of Mughal Indian. [2018, 20 Marks]
Village Society, Condition of Peasantry/Artisans:
Q. Examine the economic condition of the rural agricultural classes and of the urban artisans and traders during the Mughal period. [1979, 60m]
Q. Will it be correct to say that the rural economy in Mughal India was relatively self-sufficient? [2015, 10m]
Q. State the structure of medieval village society in Northern India. What were the passive forms of resistance of the peasants in the medieval period? [2012, 30m]
Q. Assess the condition of peasantry during 13th to 17th centuries CE. [2017, 15 Marks]
Q. Describe village polity and economy of medieval Deccan. [2020, 15 Marks]
7. Mughal Era Art and Culture:
Composite Culture:
Q. Identify the traces of Persian and Rajput traditions and show how they were synthesized in the field of painting, architecture and literature at the Mughal court. [1981, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “The emergence of composite culture during the period 16th to 18th centuries.” [1989, 20m]
Q. Trace the development of art and architecture under the Mughals and point out mingling of Hindu elements in them. [1998, 60m]
Q. Mughal architecture was syncretic in character. Comment. [2023, 20 Marks]
Mughal architecture
Q. Write a short essay on: “The zenith of Mughal architecture under Shahjehan” [2001, 20m]
Q. Explain the principal features of architecture during Akbar’s rule. What changes were made in them by Shahjahan? [2002, 60m]
Q. “The art of building was carried to highest degree of perfection under Shahjahan”. Illustrate by giving architecture details of two of his most celebrated buildings. [2018, 15 Marks]
Q. The Mughals built like Titans and embellished like jewellers. Comment. [2019, 15 Marks]
Mughal paintings:
Generic Features:
Q. Write a short Essay on: “Mughal painting” [2005, 20m]
Q. Write a short Essay on: “Mughal painting” [2007, 20m]
Q. Make an estimate of the development of paintings under Mughal rulers with special reference to colours, technique, themes and influences on them. [2020, 15 Marks]
Jahangir’s contribution:
Q. Write a short essay on: “Narrative paintings under Jahangir and Akbar.” [1994, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “During the reign of Jaliangir Mughal painting reached its zenith.” [2000, 20m]
Q. Delineate the development of the Mughal painting during the reign of Jahangir. [2016, 10 Marks]
European Contact:
Q. Examine the European impact on Mughal paintings. [2019, 10 Marks]
Q. What features of European paintings were incorporated in the Mughal miniature painting? [2023, 15 Marks]
Q. Mughal paintings reflect the contemporary socio-political conditions. Discuss. [2011, 30m]
Q. “Mughal paintings reflect social harmony in contemporary society.” Discuss. [2017, 15 Marks]
Language and Literature:
Q. What was the contribution of the Mughals to the development of education and literature? [1984, 60m]
Q. Write a short Essay on the development of Literature during Mughal Period. [2006, 60m]
Q. Discuss the literature written in Hindi in Mughal India. [2018, 10 Marks]
Q. Examine the status of Sanskrit in Mughal India. [2019, 10 Marks]
Q. Evaluate the aim and impact of the translation of Sanskrit scriptures into Persian language during Mughal period. [2020, 10 Marks]
8. Mughal Decline and Disintegration:
Criticism of Aurangzeb’s Policies:
Q. In which respects did the policies of Aurangzeb contribute to the disintegration of the Mughal Empire? [1979, 60m]
Q. “Aurangzeb is a much-maligned monarch.” Argue the case for and against the proposition. [1994, 60m]
Rajput Policy:
Q. In what ways were Aurangzeb’s Rajput and religious policies different from those of his predecessors? What were the consequences of the changes made by him? [2004, 60m]
Deccan Ulcer:
Q. “The expansion of Mughal Empire in Deccan brought about its decline.” Discuss. [1988, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Spanish ulcer ruined Napoleon Bonaparte, the Deccan ulcer ruined Aurangzeb.” [1999, 20m]
Q. Aurangzeb’s Deccan policy was a major factor in Mughal decline. Discuss. [2022, 15m]
Q. The Marathas posed a significant threat to the integrity of the Mughal Empire. Discuss. [2023, 20 Marks]
Causes of Mughal Decline:
Q. Explain with illustrative detail the part played by the following factors in the disintegration of the Mughal Empire: [1981, 60m]
Q. Aurangzeb’s alleged departure from the policies of his predecessors, [1981, 20m]
Q. Growth of new political forces in the provinces. [1981, 20m]
Q. Inherent defects of the Mansab and Jagir system. [1981, 20m]
Agrarian and Jagirdari Crisis:
Q. Analyze the cause of the agrarian crisis of the Mughal Empire and briefly discuss the agrarian aspects of the peasant revolt against the Empire. [1982, 60m]
Q. “The major cause of revolts against the Mughal Empire during the latter half of the 17th century was economic, rather than religious.” Discuss. [2009, 30m]
Q. On the basis of the accounts of Europeans bring out the agrarian crisis of the 17th century CE India. [2013, 20m]
Q. Do you think that the agrarian crisis of the 17th century led to the disintegration of the Mughal empire? Discuss. [2016, 20 Marks]
Q. The late seventeenth century Mughal India is considered to be a period of Jagirdari crisis. Discuss. [2021, 20 Marks]
Other Factors:
Q. “The Afghan invasions in the Eighteenth Century not only signified the military irrelevance of the Mughal Empire but also hastened its decline”. Explain. [2018, 15 Marks]
Q. It was as much the court intrigues as also the defiance of the provincial powers that hastened the decline of the Mughals in the 18th century. Comment. [2019, 20 Marks]
17th Century Regional History
Sikhism: Evolution of the Sikh community and the Khalsa Panth
Q. Write a short essay on: “Evolution of the Khalsa Panth” Comment. [2008, 20m]
Q. The religion of the Sikhs was the main force of their unity. Comment. [2017, 10 Marks]
Q. Discuss the transformation of Sikh community from a Nirguna Bhakti sect into a politico-military organization. [2021, 20 Marks]
The Ahom Kingdom:
Q. Write a short essay on: “The Ahom Kingdom” [2008, 20m]
Q. Give a brief account of resistance offered by Ahom State against the Mughal rule. [2014, 10m]
History of Marathas
17th century: Early Maratha Kingdom:
Q. Examine the sources of the history of Chhatrapati Shivaji with special reference to Shivabharat and Sabhasad Bakhar. [2020, 10 Marks]
Factors behind Maratha Rise:
Q. Account for the rise of the Marathas as a political power. How did they influence the course of history? [1986, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Meaning and features of the Maharashtra Dharma.” [1994, 20m]
Q. Shivaji’s rise to power cannot be treated as an isolated phenomenon in Maratha history. It was as much the result of his personal daring and heroism as of the peculiar geographical situation of the Deccan country and the unifying religious influences that were animating the people with new hopes and aspirations in the 15th and 16th centuries. Explain. [1996, 60m]
Q. Examine circumstances leading to rise of Shivaji. Throw light on his legacy. [1999, 60m]
Q. Give social background to the rice of the Maratha movement during the seventeenth century. [2012, 10m]
Chatrapati Shivaji:
Q. Trace the development of Maratha power under Shivaji. [1980, 60m]
Q. Review the efforts made by Shivaji in consolidating his power in the Deccan in the 17th [1982, 60m]
Q. Was Shivaji a nationalist leader? [1985, 20m]
Q. Shivaji was a great organizer and builder of civil institutions, examine this statement in the light of the difficulties of administration and the extent of success achieved by him. [1992, 60m]
Q. How did Shivaji organize his administration and finances to consolidate his power? [2010, 30m]
Q. Shivaji was not merely a military conqueror but also was an enlightened ruler. Discuss. [2019, 15]
18th century: Maratha ascendancy under the Peshwas
Bajirao I
Q. How far did Peshwa Bajirao I succeed in establishing Maratha supremacy in the Deccan and political hegemony in the North? [1983, 60m]
Maratha Ascendency and its limitations:
Q. Why did the Marathas fail in establishing a lasting empire in India? [1981, 20m]
Q. Were the Marathas restricted by their geopolitical limitations from becoming the paramount power of India? [2001, 60m]
Q. Is it true that the court intrigues and weak revenue system led to the collapse of the Maratha empire? Comment. [2016, 15 Marks]
Q. How will you view the Maratha policy of expansion? Delineate. [2017, 20 Marks]
Q. Account for the rise of Maratha power in the 18th century. [2022, 10m]
Third Battle of Panipat
Q. Write a short essay on: “Third Battle of Panipat” [1998, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Consequences of the Third Battle of Panipat.” [2002, 20m]
Peshwas Administrative System:
Q. Write a short answer on: “Structure and role of the Maratha Confederacy.” [1987, 20m]
Q. Compare the Peshwas’ bureaucratic management with that of the Imperial Mughal administration. [2015, 10m]
Chauth and Sardeshmukhi:
Q. Write a short essay on: “Chauth and Sardeshmukhi” [2003, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “The system of the collection of Chauth and Sardeshmukhi by the Maratha rulers.” [2004, 20m]
Q. Write a short answer on: “Chauth and Sardeshmukhi of the Maratha rulers.” [2007, 20m]
18th century Debate
Q. How would you like to characterize the eighteenth century in Indian history? [2005, 60m]
Q. What are the distinguishing components of the debate on “The Eighteenth Century”? [2008, 60m]
Political Developments:
Q. Discuss the causes of the rise and growth of regional kingdoms with special reference to Deccan in the 18th century. [2011, 30m]
Q. Clarify how mid-eighteenth-century India was beset with the spectre of a fragmented polity. (2018)
Q. How far is it justified to consider the states like Bengal, Awadh and Hyderabad as ‘successor states’ of the Mughal state? [2021, 20 Marks]
Socio-economic Features:
Q. The political disintegration was responsible for the socio—economic decline in India during the 18th century.” Comment [2017, 20 Marks]
Q. The economy of India was not stagnant in the eighteenth century. Discuss. [2023, 15 Marks]
Cultural Features:
Q. Write a short essay on: “Sawai jai Singh, the astronomer” [2001, 20m]
Q. Critically evaluate history of the Eighteenth century India with reference to culture and economy. [2020, 20 Marks]
Q. The Rajput school of painting was Mughal in style and Rajput in its content. Comment. [2022, 10m]
Q. The various Gharanas of Hindustani Classical Music were outcomes of patronage by regional princely courts, rather than central imperial ones. Discuss. [2022, 15m]