Early Medieval India PYQs

Sources of History
1. Political Developments:
Arab Invasion:
Q. Write a short essay on: “Historical significance of the advent of the Arabs in India” [1995, 20m]
Tripartite Struggle:
Q. Discuss the role of the Rashtrakutas for the mastery of Kanauj and assess their contribution to art and culture. [1992, 60m]
Q. “Achieving dominance in the south of the Vindhyas did not satisfy the ambitions of the Rashtrakutas, they also wanted to achieve dominance over the Gangetic PIains.” Elaborate and comment. [1997, 60m]
Q. Did the triangular conflict between the Rashtrakutas, Gujara Pratiharas and Palas create a political vacuum in northern India which facilitated the invasions of Mahmud of Ghazni? [2001, 60m]
Q. Evaluate the importance of tripartite struggle for the domination over north India during the eighth and ninth centuries. [2022, 20m]
2. Feudalism Debate:
Overall features:
Q. What kind of changes were visualized by historians on Indian feudalism? Examine critically. [2012, 30m]
Q. Explain the ingredients of the transitory nature of the early medieval India. [2016, 15 Marks]
Q. Discuss the different stages of Indian feudalism and analyze its impact on Indian political system. [2021, 10 Marks]
Q. Discuss the various proponents of Indian feudalism. [2023, 10 Marks]
Samanta System:
Q. Write a short essay on: “Origins and meaning of the samanta system.” [1991, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “The Samanta System” [2006, 20m]
Economic Aspects
Land Grants:
Q. “Land charters of north India (c. A-D. 750-1200).” Comment. [1995, 20m]
Q. Evaluate the socio-economic conditions from the Gupta Period to 1200 C.E. as gleaned from the various types of grants or dana shasana. [2011, 60m]
Q. What were the privileges granted to the donees in land-grant charters of early India? How far were these charters responsible for integration or disintegration socio-political milieu? [2014, 20m]
Q. Do the evidences of land ownership at our disposal support the theory of the prevalence of feudalism in early medieval India? [2015, 15m]
Q. What were the ‘Brahmadeya’ grants? How do you account for the large number of such grants in the early medieval period? [2022, 10m]
Agricultural Expansion:
Q. Critically analyse the agricultural economy from 750 to 1200 CE. [2014, 10m]
Q. Large number of land grants in hitherto non-arable tracts invariably meant expansion of agriculture in early medieval India. How did the management of hydraulic resources (different types of irrigation works) facilitate expansion of agriculture in this period? [2021, 15 Marks]
Monetary System:
Q. To what extent ‘monetary anaemia’ afflicted the erstwhile commercial economy during the early medieval period? [2010, 30m]
Social Aspects:
Q. Give an account of the Society in Northern and Central India since the death of Harsha to the Muslim conquest of North India. [1996, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Applicability of the term ‘Indian Feudalism’ to early Medieval Society.” [2009, 20m]
Q. Critically analyze the changing nature of caste and gender relations during the early medieval period. [2018, 15 Marks]
Rajput Society and Al-Beruni:
Rajputs Society:
Q. Bring out the salient features of the polity & social structure of the Rajputs. To what extent were they responsible for the weakness of the Rajputs to the foreign invaders? [1988, 60m] (first half)
Q. Write a short essay on: “Social structure of the Rajputs.” [1998, 20m]
Q. “The inferior cavalry of the Rajputs was not the only cause of their defeat at the hands of Turko- Afghans and Mughal.” Comment. [2001, 60m]
Q. Discuss the salient features of Indian society on the eve of the campaigns of Mahmud of Ghazni, with particular reference to the observations made by Al-Biruni. [1989, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “AI- Biruni’s India” [1998, 20m]
Q. Attempt a critical essay of the Indian Science and Civilization in the light of Alberuni’s writings. What merits and drawbacks, do you find in his account? [2003, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Alberuni on science in India” [2007, 20m]
Q. Evaluate the ‘Kitab al-Hind’ of Alberuni as a source of history of India. [2014, 15m]
Q. Comment on the veracity of Alberuni’s account of the Indian society. [2016, 10 Marks]
Q. Examine the defects in Alberuni’s assessment of the Indian society. [2023, 10m]
3. Imperial Cholas:
Overall Achievements of Cholas:
Q. Critically assess the period of the Cholas in the history of South India. [1991, 60m]
Q. Assess the importance of the Cholas in the history of South India. [1996, 60m]
Q. Critically evaluate the achievements of the Cholas. [1998, 60m]
Expansion under Rajaraja/Rajendra Chola:
Q. Describe the development of Chola power under Rajaraja and Rajendra I. Form an estimate of their cultural contributions. [1980, 60m]
Q. Discuss the contribution of Rajaraja I and Rajendra I for the expansion of the Chola Empire. Analyse the causes and impact of the naval expeditions of the Cholas. [1993, 60m]
Q. “The Chola rulers were not only mighty conquerors, efficient administrators but also builders of fine temples.” Comment. [2021, 15 Marks]
Q. Chola maritime expansion was driven largely by concerns of overseas commerce. Elucidate. [2022, 20m]
Nature of Chola State and Administration:
Q. What were the salient features of the bureaucratic machinery of the Cholas? [1985, 20m]
Q. Show that the administrative system in India reached a very high level during the Chola period. [2007, 60m]
Local Government:
Q. Describe the village administration of the Chola period as known from the Uttaramerur inscriptions. [1979, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Local self-government under the Cholas.” [1992, 20m]
Q. Analyze the significance of the Uttaramerur inscriptions of the Chola King Parantaka I. [2016, 10 marks]
Local Government and Democratic Nature?
Q. Were the Chola village assemblies democratic in nature? Give reasons for your answer. [2000, 60m]
Q. How far can the village assemblies or communities under the Cholas be really called democratic? [2009, 30m]
Local Government and Nature of Chola State:
Q. The Cholas are said to have established a strong and well-organized administration with an element of self-government at the local level. Do you agree? Give reasons. [2004, 60m]
Q. “Doubtless it was not a free state; it was any rate a state” (K A N Sastri). Reflect upon the nature of local self-government institutions in the Chola country. [2018, 15 Marks]
Q. Evaluating various theories regarding the Chola State, throw light on its village assemblies. [2014, 15m]
Q. How could the local self-government under the Cholas adjust with their centralized administration structure? [2015, 10m]
Chola Economy:
Q. Evaluate the role of nadu and nagaram in the growth of urbanisation under the Cholas. [2012, 30m]
Temple Institutions:
Q. How far do you agree with the view that temples in early medieval period were catalysts in spreading education? [2010, 30m]
Q. How did the temples of South India, as financial institutions, have deep impact on the social institutions of early medieval period? Critically examine. [2016, 15 Marks]
4. Religious Developments:
Q. Is it correct to say that the post-Gupta period was remarkable for the expansion of religious cults in India? [2023, 15 Marks]
Q. “Tantrism, if not in practice, at last on conception level challenged patriarchy.” Examine Tantrism specially keeping in mind the above context. [2015, 10m]
Q. Trace and identify the changing pattern of Tantrism in Ancient India with examples. [2020, 15 Marks]
Tamil Bhakti: Origin and Characteristics
Q. Write a short essay on: “Origin of the Bhakti Movement” [2002, 20m]
Q. What are the manifestations of Tamil devotional cults? How do you account for their growth between C. 750 and C. 1200 CE? [2008, 60m]
Q. “Utpanna dravide bhaktih, Karnate vriddhimagata I Sthita kinchit maharashtre gurjare jirnatam gata II” Account for the emergence of bhakti in Dravida desa. [2018, 15 Marks]
Q. Throw light on the chief characteristics of Tamil Bhakti movement during the early medieval period. [2022, 15m]
Adi Shankaracharya’s Contribution:
Q. How did Sankaracharya seek to integrate the different religions cults in India? [1981, 20m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “Shankaracharya’s philosophy and its impact.” [1987, 20m]
Q. “Sankaracharya brought about a synthesis of ideas and philosophies.” Discuss the statement and analyse the historical significance of his life and thought. [1990, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “The Vedanta of Sankaracharya” [2001, 20m]
Q. Assess the statement that ‘the philosophy of Shankaracharya revolutionized religious thoughts in India.’ [2019, 20 Marks]
Relationship between Acharyas and Bhakti:
Q. Assess the contribution of the Acharyas in the development of the ideological basis of Bhakti. [2012, 10m]
Q. “The Advaita doctrine of Shankara cut at the very root of Bhaktivada.”Do you agree? [2016, 15 Marks]
Lingayat Movement:
Q. The Virshaiva movement of Southern Deccan in the 12th century was essentially an attempt at social reform. Discuss. [2022, 15m]
5. Cultural Features:
Q. The 11th-12th centuries C.E. saw eventful progression in the cultural history of India. Discuss. [2017, 10 Marks]
Language and Literature:
Q. Discuss the relationship between emergence of literature in vernacular languages and formation of regional identities in early medieval India. [2021, 20 Marks]
Temple Architecture:
Q. Trace the origin and development of temple architecture in India with reference to regional styles and variations. [2017, 20 Marks]
Q. With the help of representative examples, delineate the main differences between the Nagara and Dravida style of temple architecture. [2022, 15m]
North India:
Q. Give a brief account of the early medieval temple architecture of Kashmir. [2015, 10m]
Q. Trace the origin and development of the political authority of the Chalukyas of Badami and discuss their contribution to religion and architecture. [1982, 60m]
Q. What was the contribution of the Chalukyas of Badami to Indian architecture? [1984, 20m]
South India:
Q. Do you agree with the view that the form and content of temple architecture in South India between c. A.D. 750 and 1200 were products of a specific economic and political milieu? [1994, 60m]
Q. Discuss the contribution of the Pallavas to South Indian art. Was this art wholly indigenous? [1979, 60m]
Q. Write a short essay on: “The contributions of the Pallavas to Indian architecture.” [1986, 20m]
Q. Bring out the regional variations in the early South Indian Temple’s architectural styles. [2009, 60m]
Q. Describe the evolution and development of regional temple architecture of South India with special reference to Pallavas. [2020, 20 Marks]
Q. How far temple architecture under the Cholas became more refined and grandiose as compared to the early South Indian temple architecture style? [2023, 15 Marks]
Contribution of Rashtrakutas:
Q. Discuss the role of the Rashtrakutas for the mastery of Kanauj and assess their contribution to art and culture. [1992, 60m]
Q. Critically evaluate the contribution of Rashtrakutas to art and culture. [1999, 60m]
Q. Assess Ellora as a unique art centre of the different cultural streams. [2011, 20m]
Q. Kailasa Temple built at Ellora marks the culmination of rock-cut architecture in India. Elucidate. [2015, 15m]
Q. Discuss the Caurapancashika and Jain styles of paintings. Can the Caurapancashika style truly be called the precursor of pothi format? [2012, 10m]