Cover entire Anthropology Optional syllabus for UPSC CSE 2025 through test series. Get mentored by Karandeep Singh, the mentor of 100+ UPSC toppers including AIR 36, AIR 51, and AIR 79 and more.
This program is designed to provide you with holistic preparation, detailed feedback, and personalized mentorship that will help you excel in the Anthropology optional and secure 300+ marks.
You will receive detailed feedback and hand-holding guidance throughout your journey to address your critical gaps and ensure you are exam-ready.
- Date of Commencement : 20th Oct 2024
- Sectional Test: 6 Tests
- Full Length Test: 2 Tests
- Test and Mentorship: Online / Offline
- Test Discussions: Recorded
- Validity : 31st Dec 2024
Only Test Series
Course Fee
Offline / Online Mode: ₹ 10,000 + GST
Program Highlights
Comprehensive Syllabus Coverage:
The test series will cover the entire Anthropology syllabus, ensuring no topic is left uncovered. From basic concepts to advanced theories, everything is included.
UPSC-level tests
- 6 Sectional Tests:
- Focused tests on specific portions of the syllabus for an in-depth understanding of key topics. This helps in sharpening conceptual clarity and building confidence in each section.
- 2 Full-Length Tests:
- Simulate the actual UPSC exam experience with two full-length tests, covering the entire syllabus and preparing you to face the actual exam with confidence.
Discussion & Value Addition Videos (Recorded):
Post-test discussion videos where doubts are clarified, and model answers are explained in detail. These sessions will provide key insights and value addition to help you structure high-scoring answers.
Personalized Mentorship & Feedback:
Receive one-on-one feedback and personalised mentorship directly from Karandeep Singh, who has mentored 100+ UPSC toppers. You’ll receive actionable insights on how to improve your answers and fill in the gaps in your preparation.
Timely & Multi-level Evaluation:
Your answers will be evaluated within 7 days of submission, ensuring that you receive timely feedback. We follow a multi-level evaluation process to provide comprehensive suggestions for improvement.
Flexible Submission Options:
You can submit your tests at your own pace, giving you the flexibility to manage your preparation alongside other commitments.
Updated with the Latest Trends:
Our test series is designed with the latest UPSC trends and patterns in mind, ensuring that you are well-prepared for any changes in the exam format.
Who Should Join?
- Aspirants looking to strengthen their Anthropology optional preparation with structured practice.
- Those who have completed the syllabus but need guidance in answer writing and revision.
- Aspirants who are unable to take their Anthropology score beyond 280 marks.
- Students who want to ensure their Anthropology preparation is up to UPSC standards with personalized mentorship.
Refund Policy
- Discussion Cum Value Addition Videos (Recorded)
- Individual Mentoring & Hand Holding
- Timely and Multi-level Evaluation within 7 days
- Flexible Submission of the Tests
- Comprehensive Coverage: Our test series covers the entire syllabus of Anthropology, ensuring that no topic is left untouched.
- Sectional Tests: The series includes six sectional tests, each focusing on specific portions of the syllabus. This allows for focused preparation and in-depth understanding of each section.
- Full-Length Tests: Two full-length tests simulate the actual exam environment
- Test Discussions: After each test, model answer discussions will be uploaded on the portal.
- Mentorship: Karandeep Sir will provide personalized feedback and mentorship throughout the series.
- Holistic Preparation: The test series not only focuses on theoretical understanding but also emphasizes the application of concepts.
- Updated Material: The test series is updated to reflect the latest trends and patterns of the UPSC Civil Services Examination, ensuring that students are well-prepared for any changes in the exam format.
Anthropology Test Series Schedule - 2025
Date | Class/Test/ Discussion | Topic |
| TEST - 1 | |
20/10/2024 | Sectional Test -1 | 1.1 Meaning, scope and development of Anthropology. 1.2 Relationships with other disciplines. 1.3 Main branches of Anthropology, their scope and relevance. 2.1 The Nature of Culture: 2.2 The Nature of Society 2.3 Marriage 2.4 Family 2.5 Kinship 3. Economic Organization: Meaning, scope and relevance of economic anthropology; Formalist and Substantivist debate; Principles governing production, distribution and exchange (reciprocity, redistribution and market), in communities, subsisting on hunting and gathering, fishing, swiddening, pastoralism, horticulture, and agriculture; globalization and indigenous economic systems. 4. Political Organization and Social Control: Band, tribe, chiefdom, kingdom and state; concepts of power, authority and legitimacy; social control, law and justice in simple Societies. |
20/10/2024 | Test Discussion - 1 | |
20/10/2024 | Test Discussion - 2 | |
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| TEST - 2 | |
27/10/2024 | Sectional Test - 2 | 5. Religion: Anthropological approaches to the study of religion (evolutionary, psychological and functional); monotheism and polytheism; sacred and profane; myths and rituals; forms of religion in tribal and peasant Societies (animism, animatism, fetishism, naturism and totemism); religion, magic and science distinguished; magico-religious functionaries (priest, shaman, medicine man, sorcerer and witch). 6. Anthropological theories: (a) Classical evolutionism (Tylor, Morgan and Frazer) (b) Historical particularism (Boas) Diffusionism (British, German and American) (c) Functionalism (Malinowski); Structural- Functionalism (Radcliffe-Brown) (d) Structuralism (L'evi-Strauss and E. Leach) (e) Culture and personality (Benedict, Mead, Linton, Kardiner and Cora-du Bois) (f) Neo-evolutionism (Childe, White, Steward, Sahlins and Service) (g) Cultural materialism (Harris) (h) Symbolic and interpretive theories (Turner, Schneider and Geertz) (i) Cognitive theories (Tyler, Conklin) (j) Post-modernism in anthropology. 7. Culture, Language and Communication: Nature, origin and characteristics of language; verbal and non-verbal communication; social context of language use. 8. Research methods in Anthropology: (a) Fieldwork tradition in anthropology (b) Distinction between technique, method and methodology (c) Tools of data collection: observation, interview, schedules, questionnaire, case study, genealogy, life-history, oral history, secondary sources of information, participatory methods. (d) Analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.
27/10/2024 | Test Discussion - 3 | |
27/10/2024 | Test Discussion - 4 | |
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| TEST - 3 | |
03/11/2024 | Sectional Test - 3 | 9.1 Human Genetics 9.2 Mendelian genetics in man-family study, single factor, multifactor, lethal, sub-lethal and polygenic inheritance in man. 9.3 Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection, Mendelian population, Hardy-Weinberg law; causes and changes which bring down frequency- mutation, isolation, migration, selection, inbreeding and genetic drift. Consanguineous and non- consanguineous mating, genetic load, genetic effect of consanguineous and cousin marriages. 9.4Chromosomes and chromosomal aberrations in man, methodology. Ø Numerical and structural aberrations (disorders). Ø Sex chromosomal aberrations – Genetic imprints in human disease, genetic screening, genetic counseling, human DNA profiling, gene mapping and genome study. 9.5 Race and racism 9.6 Age, sex and population variation as genetic marker- 9.7 Concepts and methods of Ecological Anthropology 9.8 Epidemiological Anthropology 10. Concept of human growth and development: Ø stages of growth – pre-natal, natal, infant, childhood, adolescence, maturity, senescence. Ø Factors affecting growth and development are genetic, environmental, biochemical, nutritional, cultural and socio-economic. Ø Ageing and senescence. Theories and observations – biological and chronological longevity. Human physique and somatotypes. Methodologies for growth studies. 11. Relevance of menarche, menopause and other bioevents to fertility. Fertility patterns and differentials, Demographic theories- biological, social and cultural, Biological and socio-ecological factors influencing fecundity, fertility, natality and mortality. 12. Applications of Anthropology: Anthropology of sports, Nutritional anthropology, Anthropology in designing of defence and other equipments, Forensic Anthropology, Methods and principles of personal identification and reconstruction, Applied human genetics-Paternity diagnosis, genetic counselling and eugenics, DNA technology in diseases and medícine, serogenetics and cytogenetics in reproductive biology. |
03/11/2024 | Test Discussion - 5 | |
03/11/2024 | Test Discussion - 6 | |
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| TEST - 4 | |
10/11/2024 | Sectional Test - 4 | 1.4 Human Evolution and emergence of Man: Ø Biological and Cultural factors in human evolution. Theories of Organic Evolution (Pre- Darwinian, Darwinian, and Post-Darwinian). Ø Synthetic theory of evolution; Brief outline of terms and concepts of evolutionary biology (Doll’s rule, Cope’s rule, Gause’s rule, parallelism, convergence, adaptive radiation, and mosaic evolution). 1.5 Characteristics of Primates; Evolutionary Trend and Primate Taxonomy; Primate Adaptations; (Arboreal and Terrestrial) Primate Taxonomy; Primate Behaviour; Tertiary and Quaternary fossil primates; Living Major Primates; Comparative Anatomy of Man and Apes; Skeletal changes due to erect posture and its implications. 1.6 Phylogenetic status, characteristics and geographical distribution of the following: Ø Australopithecine Homo erectus: Africa (Paranthropus), Europe (Homo erectus heidelbergensis), Asia (Homo erectus javanicus, Homo erectus pekinensis). Neanderthal Man- La-Chapelle-aux-saints (Classical type), Mt. Carmel (Progressive type), Rhodesian man. Ø Homo sapiens — Cromagnon, Grimaldi and Chancelede. 1.7 The biological basis of life: The Cell, DNA structure and replication, Protein Synthesis, Gene, Mutation, Chromosomes, and Cell Division. 1.8 Principles of Prehistoric Archaeology. Chronology: Relative and Absolute Dating methods. Cultural Evolution- Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures: Ø Paleolithic Ø Mesolithic Ø Neolithic Ø Chalcolithic Ø Copper-Bronze Age Ø Iron Age
PAPER - 2 1.1 Evolution of the Indian Culture and Civilization Prehistoric (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Neolithic Chalcolithic). Protohistoric (Indus Civilization): Pre- Harappan, Harappan and post- Harappan cultures. Contributions of tribal cultures to Indian civilization. 1.2 Palaeo-Anthropological evidence from India with special reference to Siwaliks and Narmada basin (Ramapithecus, Sivapithecus and Narmada Man). 1.3 Ethno-archaeology in India: The concept of ethnoarchaeology; Survivals and Parallels among the hunting, foraging, fishing, pastoral and peasant communities including arts and crafts producing communities. |
10/11/2024 | Test Discussion - 7 | |
10/11/2024 | Test Discussion - 8 | |
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| TEST - 5 | |
17/11/2024 | Sectional Test - 5 | 2. Demographic profile of India — Ethnic and linguistic elements in the Indian population and their distribution. Indian population – factors influencing its structure and growth. 3.1 The structure and nature of traditional Indian social system-Varnashram, Purushartha, Karma, Rina and Rebirth. 3.2 Caste system in India- Structure and characteristics Varna and caste, Theories of origin of caste system, Dominant caste, Caste mobility, Future of caste system, Jajmani system. Tribe-case continuum. 3.3 Sacred Complex and Nature-Man-Spirit Complex. 3.4. Impact of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity of Indian society. 4. Emergence, growth and development in India- Contributions of the 18th, 19th and early 20th Century scholar-administrators. Contributions of Indian anthropologists to tribal and caste studies. 5.1 Indian Village-Significance of village study in India; Indian village as a social system; Traditional and changing patterns of settlement and inter-caste relations; Agrarian relations in Indian villages; Impact of globalization on Indian villages. 5.2 Linguistic and religious minorities and their social, political and economic status. 5.3 Indigenous and exogenous processes of socio-cultural change in Indian society: Sanskritization, Westernization, Modernization; Inter-play of little and great traditions; Panchayati Raj and social change; Media and Social change. |
17/11/2024 | Test Discussion - 9 | |
17/11/2024 | Test Discussion - 10 | |
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| TEST - 6 | |
24/11/2024 | Sectional Test - 6 | 6.1 Tribal situation in India 6.2 Problems of the tribal Communities 6.3 Developmental projects and their impact on tribal displacement and problems of rehabilitation. Development of forest policy and tribals. Impact of urbanization and industrialization on tribal populations. 7.1 Problems of exploitation and deprivation of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. Constitutional safeguards for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes. 7.2 Social change and contemporary tribal societies: Impact of modern democratic institutions, development programmers and welfare measures on tribals and weaker sections. 7.3 The concept of ethnicity; Ethnic conflicts and political developments; Unrest among tribal communities; Regionalism and demand for autonomy; Pseudo-tribalism; Social change among the tribes during colonial and post-Independent India. 8.1. Impact of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and other religions on tribal societies. 8.2. Tribe and nation state - a comparative study of tribal communities in India and other countries. 9.1. History of administration of tribal areas, tribal policies, plans, programmers of tribal development and their implementation. The concept of PTGs (Primitive Tribal Groups), their distribution, special programmers for their development. Role of N.G.O.s in tribal development. 9.2. Role of anthropology in tribal and rural development. 9.3. Contributions of anthropology to the understanding of regionalism, communalism, and ethnic and political movements." |
24/11/2024 | Test Discussion - 11 | |
24/11/2024 | Test Discussion - 12 | |
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| TEST – 7 & TEST – 8 | |
01/12/2024 | FULL LENGTH TEST – 1 | PAPER – 1 |
01/12/2024 | FULL LENGTH TEST - 2 | PAPER – 2 |
01/12/2024 | Test Discussion - 13 | FULL LENGTH TEST – 1 & 2 |
01/12/2024 | Test Discussion - 14 | |
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- Day 8 to Day 30: Maximum of 75% Refund eligible
- Day 30 to 50% course duration: Maximum of 50% Refund eligible
- After 50% course duration: Zero refund
- Note: duration is measured from the day of commencement of the course and not from the date of admission.
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- Day 8 to Day 30: Maximum of 75% Refund eligible
- After Day 30: Zero refund
- Note: duration is measured from the day of commencement of the course and not from the date of admission.
- General Studies Foundation Program: If a student withdraws after the commencement of the course, then they are eligible for the refund on the pro-rata basis. The details of pro-rata basis are as follows:
- Zero Refund: Please note that a student is considered completely ineligible for refunds under following circumstances:
- If the price of a course is less than or equal to Rs. 10,000 (exclusive of GST)
- If admission is done at a discounted price or during promotional offers,
- If admission is done with a partial payment plan with an installment facility.
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- The date of refund request will be the date on which all the valid documents are received by the institute, which are needed for the approval.
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- From an online course to an offline course.
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