Table of Contents
- Understanding DIfferent Generations of Wirelesss Communication Technologies. 3
1) 4G
B) Voice over LTE (VoLTE)
2) 5G
A) Launch of 5G services in India (Oct 2022)
B) Standalone vs NON-STANDALONE 5G
C) 5G Spectrum Auction in India (July – Aug 2022)
D) Challenge of Fiberization ahead of India’s 5G deployment
E) 5G Spectrum (Low Band, Middle Band and High Band)
F) Airlines Vs 5G
G) What is an altimeter?
2. Embedded SIM (e-SIM)
3. Encryption/Decryption – Data Security
a) Digital Signature
b) What is E2EE Encryption?
c) Quantum Cryptography / Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)
d) Quantum Tech Demo by DRDO and IIT Delhi (Feb 2022)
e) Why banks and NATO are worried about a future ‘Quantum Attack’ (March 2022)
4. Web 3.0
5. Block Chain Technology
a) National Strategy on Blockchain (dec 2021)
b) Various other initiatives using Blockchain
6. Crypto Currencies – How do they function
8. Mastodon and Fediserve
1) Mastodon
9. Super COmputers
1) Super Computing in India
c) Param Pravega: India’s most powerful supercomputer
d) Fastest Supercomputers in India
e) National Super Computing Mission
10. Internet of THings and Industrial Revolution 4.0 – Class Discussion
11. Big Data – Class Discussion
12. Cloud Computing
13. FOg Cloud Computing
14. Edge Computing and Ubiquitous computing – class discussion
15. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
1) Advancements in Machine Learning
a) Neural Networks
b) Deep Learning
c) Deepfakes
d) ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer)
16. Net-Neutrality – class dicussion
17. VoWIFI
18. VoIP
19. White Space Internet
20. WIreless charging (Inductive Charging)
21. Electronics – Basic Terms
22. Opto-ELectronics
23. LED
26. Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality
A) Augmented Reality
B) Virtual Reality
27. Metaverse
28. Quantum Computing.
1) Quantum ENtanglement
2) Quantum Computer Simulator
India’s 1st quantum computing tech park to come in Gujarat (Dec 2021)
29. DNA – Computing – Class Discussion
30. Blue Tooth Communication
31. RFID
32. Near Field Communication
A) ‘Tap to Pay’ for UPI launched by Google Pay
33. Free Space Optical COmmunication
34. Fiber Optics Communication
35. 3-D Printing
36. Bar Code and QR CODE
A) QR Code (Quick Response Code) – a type of 2D bar code
B) BAR Code