India and Nano Technology
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Mission on Nano Science and Technology (Nano Mission)
- It is an umbrella program of GoI for overall development in the field of Nanotechnology.
- It was launched in 2007 with an allocation of Rs 1,000 crore which was further extended during the 12th five-year plan.
- It is structured in a fashion to achieve synergy between the national research efforts of various agencies in Nano Science and Technology and launch new programs in a concerted fashion.
- Department of Science and Technology is the nodal agency for the mission.
Objectives of the Nano-Mission
- Basic Research Promotion – funding of basic research by individual scientists or groups of scientists and creation of centre of excellence for pursuing this research.
- Infrastructure Development for Nano Science and Technology Research -> development of a chain of facilities across the country.
- Human Resource Development – Providing effective education and training to researchers and professionals in diversified fields. Launching of Sc./M.Tech programmes, create national and overseas post-doctoral fellowships, chairs in universities etc.
- International Collaborations – Exploratory visits of scientists, organization of joint workshops, conferences and joint research projects, facilitate access to sophisticated research facilities abroad, forge academia-industry partnership.
- Development of product and processes for national development
- Especially in areas of national relevance like
- Safe Drinking Water
- Materials Development
- Sensors Development
- Drug Delivery
- Especially in areas of national relevance like
Achievements of the Mission
- The mission has resulted into more than 5,000 research papers and some useful products like nano-hydrogel based eye drops, pesticide removal technology for drinking water, water filters for arsenic and fluride removal and nano-silver based on anti-microbial textile coating.
- India has moved from the fourth to the third position in the world in terms of scientific publications in nanoscience and technology.
- Institute of Nanoscience and Technology (INST): It is an autonomous institute of the Department of Science and technology, GoI.
Way Forward:
- Funds
- Human Resource
- Infra – R&D
- Industry-Academia collaboration
- University-University Collaboration