Indian Heritage and Culture
- Ancient History of India
- Medieval History of India
- Modern History of India
- Post Independence
- World History
Geography of the World
- The Solar System
- Geomorphology
- Climatology
- Oceanography
- Indian Geography
- Economic / Human Geography
- Geography Current Affairs
- Location Based Topics
Indian Society
- Salient features of India
- Effect of Globalization
- Social Empowerment
- Communalism, Regionalism & Secularism
- Role of Women Organization
- Population and its issues
- Poverty and development
- Urbanization and its issues
Polity & Constitution
- Historical Underpinning and Making of the Constitution
- System of Government
- Features of Indian Constitution and Preamble
- India's Territory and Citizenship
- Fundamental rights
- DPSP, Fundamental Duties, Procedure of Amendment and Doctrine of Basic Structure
- Executive
- Legislature
- Judiciary in India
- Centre State Relationship
- Local Self Government, UTs and Special Areas
- Political Dimension
- Constitutional and Non Constitutional Bodies
- Government policies and interventions
- Civil Society
- SHG's
- E-Governance
- Transparency and accountability
- Citizen charter and other measures
- Role of Civil Services
Social Justice
- Welfare Schemes
- Poverty and Hunger
- Social sector & services
- Measures for betterment of vulnerable sections
International Relations
- India & Its Neighbourhood Relations
- India & Major Powers
- India & Major Regions
- Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings
- Policies and politics affecting India's interest and Diaspora
- International Institutions/Agencies
Science & Technology
- Everyday Science
- Indigenization of Technologies
- Personalities
- Â IT & Computers
- Nano-Technology
- Bio-Technology
- Nuclear Science and Technology
- Space
- Robotics
- General Science
- Health and Diseases
- Miscellaneous
Economic Development
- Economy, Economic Growth & Development
- Budgeting & Taxation
- Fiscal Policy
- Monetary Policy, Credit Policy & Money Supply
- Indian Financial Market
- Banking System in India
- Inflation
- External Sector
- Global Financial Architecture: Bretton Woods, IMF, WTO
- Planning Commission and NITI Aayog
- Inclusive Growth, Poverty & Inequality
- Employment
- Industrial Policy
- Industries
- Land Reforms
- Miscellaneous
Biodiversity & Environment
- Environment & Ecology
- Biodiversity & its conservation
- Conservation
- Pollution & Degradation
- Environmental Impact Assessment & Sustainable Practices
- Climate change and associated issues
- Institutions
- Acts/Laws/Policies related to Environment
- Miscellaneous
- Development and Extremism
- Challenges to Internal Security
- Cyber Security and other challenges
- Border Management
- Security Forces and Agencies
Disaster Management
Ethics and Human Interface
- Essence, Determinants and Consequences
- Dimensions of Ethics;
- Ethics in Private and Public Relationships.
Human Values
- Great Leaders or Reformers
- Administrators
- Role of Family Society and Educational Institutions
- Content, Structure, Function of Attitude
- Influence of Attitude
- Relation with thought and behaviour
- Moral and Political Attitudes
- Social Influence and Persuasion
Aptitude and Foundational Values
- Integrity, Impartiality and Non-partisanship, Objectivity, Dedication to Public Service, Empathy, Tolerance and Compassion towards the weaker-sections.
Emotional Intelligence
- Concepts
- Utilities and Application in Administration and Governance
- Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from India and World.
Public/Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration
- Status and Problems
- Ethical Concerns and Dilemmas
- Laws, Rules, Regulations and Conscience as Sources of Ethical Guidance
- Accountability and Ethical Governance
- Strengthening of Ethical and Moral Values in Governance
- Ethical Issues in International Relations and Funding
- Corporate Governance
Probity in Governance
- Concept of Public Service
- Philosophical Basis of Governance and Probity
- Information Sharing and Transparency in Government,
- Right to Information,
- Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct,
- Citizen’s Charters,
- Work Culture,
- Quality of Service Delivery,
- Utilization of Public Funds
- Challenges of Corruption.
Case Studies on above issues
- Case Studies
Indian Heritage and Culture
- Ancient History of India
- Medieval History of India
- Modern History of India
- Post Independence
- World History
Geography of the World
- The Solar System
- Geomorphology
- Climatology
- Oceanography
- Indian Geography
- Economic / Human Geography
- Geography Current Affairs
- Location Based Topics
Indian Society
- Salient features of India
- Effect of Globalization
- Social Empowerment
- Communalism, Regionalism & Secularism
- Role of Women Organization
- Population and its issues
- Poverty and development
- Urbanization and its issues
Polity & Constitution
- Historical Underpinning and Making of the Constitution
- System of Government
- Features of Indian Constitution and Preamble
- India's Territory and Citizenship
- Fundamental rights
- DPSP, Fundamental Duties, Procedure of Amendment and Doctrine of Basic Structure
- Executive
- Legislature
- Judiciary in India
- Centre State Relationship
- Local Self Government, UTs and Special Areas
- Political Dimension
- Constitutional and Non Constitutional Bodies
- Government policies and interventions
- Civil Society
- SHG's
- E-Governance
- Transparency and accountability
- Citizen charter and other measures
- Role of Civil Services
Social Justice
- Welfare Schemes
- Poverty and Hunger
- Social sector & services
- Measures for betterment of vulnerable sections
International Relations
- India & Its Neighbourhood Relations
- India & Major Powers
- India & Major Regions
- Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings
- Policies and politics affecting India's interest and Diaspora
- International Institutions/Agencies
Science & Technology
- Everyday Science
- Indigenization of Technologies
- Personalities
- Â IT & Computers
- Nano-Technology
- Bio-Technology
- Nuclear Science and Technology
- Space
- Robotics
- General Science
- Health and Diseases
- Miscellaneous
Economic Development
- Economy, Economic Growth & Development
- Budgeting & Taxation
- Fiscal Policy
- Monetary Policy, Credit Policy & Money Supply
- Indian Financial Market
- Banking System in India
- Inflation
- External Sector
- Global Financial Architecture: Bretton Woods, IMF, WTO
- Planning Commission and NITI Aayog
- Inclusive Growth, Poverty & Inequality
- Employment
- Industrial Policy
- Industries
- Land Reforms
- Miscellaneous
Biodiversity & Environment
- Environment & Ecology
- Biodiversity & its conservation
- Conservation
- Pollution & Degradation
- Environmental Impact Assessment & Sustainable Practices
- Climate change and associated issues
- Institutions
- Acts/Laws/Policies related to Environment
- Miscellaneous
- Development and Extremism
- Challenges to Internal Security
- Cyber Security and other challenges
- Border Management
- Security Forces and Agencies
Disaster Management
Ethics and Human Interface
- Essence, Determinants and Consequences
- Dimensions of Ethics;
- Ethics in Private and Public Relationships.
Human Values
- Great Leaders or Reformers
- Administrators
- Role of Family Society and Educational Institutions
- Content, Structure, Function of Attitude
- Influence of Attitude
- Relation with thought and behaviour
- Moral and Political Attitudes
- Social Influence and Persuasion
Aptitude and Foundational Values
- Integrity, Impartiality and Non-partisanship, Objectivity, Dedication to Public Service, Empathy, Tolerance and Compassion towards the weaker-sections.
Emotional Intelligence
- Concepts
- Utilities and Application in Administration and Governance
- Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from India and World.
Public/Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration
- Status and Problems
- Ethical Concerns and Dilemmas
- Laws, Rules, Regulations and Conscience as Sources of Ethical Guidance
- Accountability and Ethical Governance
- Strengthening of Ethical and Moral Values in Governance
- Ethical Issues in International Relations and Funding
- Corporate Governance
Probity in Governance
- Concept of Public Service
- Philosophical Basis of Governance and Probity
- Information Sharing and Transparency in Government,
- Right to Information,
- Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct,
- Citizen’s Charters,
- Work Culture,
- Quality of Service Delivery,
- Utilization of Public Funds
- Challenges of Corruption.
Case Studies on above issues
- Case Studies