Distributed Renewable Energy
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Decentralized Renewable energy refers to generation and distribution of renewable energy at a small and localized level, typically closer to the point of consumption.
- Currently, India has 12 mature technologies powered by DRE. These include high capacity irrigation pumps, as well as micro-pumps, silk reeling machines, dryers, charkhas, small horticulture processors, small refrigerators/deep freezers, cold storages, vertical fodder growing institutions units, grain milling machines etc.
- The DRE technologies include solar run textile manufacturing units, biomass powered cold solar storages and micro solar pumps etc.
Key characteristics include localized generation, distributed energy resource, Off-Grid or Mini-Grid Solutions;
- Environmentally sustainable: DRE doesn’t lead to environmental damages which are caused by large scale hydropower plants, large scale solar parks etc.
- Energy Security: Technologies like rooftop solar, micro hydel power plants etc. can lead to sustainable energy production and thus can ensure long term energy security.
- Inclusive Growth: DRE can ensure energy supply and thus other associated services in remote, under-developed regions.
- Scalability and Flexibility: DRE can be scaled gradually depending on the local needs.
- Job Creations: DRE will stimulate local job opportunities in manufacturing sector, installation, operations etc.
- As per MNRE, DRE has a market potential of Rs 4 lakh in rural and peri-urban
communities in India.
- As per MNRE, DRE has a market potential of Rs 4 lakh in rural and peri-urban
Challenges and Way Forward
- Repairing remained a challenge: Enough human resource and contact with manufacturers is still poor, especially in remote areas.
- Skill development can not only improve the repair services but can also provide
increased job opportunities.
- Skill development can not only improve the repair services but can also provide
- Affordability – For a lot of people, affordability is a major concern and increased access to loans/government incentives is crucial for accessing the DREs.
- At the same time, development of DRE industries in India, more R&D, etc. would be
important for reducing the cost of the technology.
- DRE can play a vital role in transitioning towards a more sustainable and resilient energy future, particularly in areas where centralized grid infrastructure is inadequate or non-existent.
Example Question:
- “Decentralized renewable energy play a vital role in transitioning towards a more sustainable and resilient energy future, particularly in areas where centralized grid infrastructure is inadequate on non-existent” Critically Analyze [10 marks, 150 words]